JNF launches urgent follow up campaign to elected officials

JNF launches urgent follow up campaign to elected officials

JNF launches urgent follow up campaign to elected officials

On Friday Nov 1, JNF launched a new letter-writing campaign asking supporters to send a follow-up letter directly to elected officials, demanding they urge the government to pause JNF Canada's revocation & wind-down deadline until their judicial review ruling, which is scheduled for early November. 

Despite both an appeal to the Federal Court, and a judicial review hearing in a few days, the CRA has written JNF Canada indicating that they must wind down operations by November 13. This move essentially forces the Board of Directors to disburse all assets, and therefore have no resources to fight the CRA in court, despite the fact they have a legal right as a Canadian charity to appeal a decision of the CRA and they have a strong argument against them. They are now trying to make it impossible for JNF Canada to fight its legal battle without financial resources. 

JNF Canada, along with their more than 100,000 supporters and the wider Jewish community, are urgently calling on elected officials to demand the CRA to be fair and reasonable and allow them to continue operating while their case is before the courts. 

Read the full statement and send your letter here

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