Resilience & Rebuilding

Resilience (Hebrew: hosen) is at the heart of Israeli life. For 50 years, JNF Canada has supported resilience building to create stronger, healthier communities, particularly in Israel's South. Rocket shelters and protected classrooms provide critical physical safety and security for every Israeli - they have between 15-60 seconds to reach a shelter when under attack. Centres for diverse therapies and treatments, from PTSD treatment, animal therapy, family support, and youth services, provide important mental support and wellbeing. 

Recent projects: The Resilience Centre in Sderot, Horse Therapy Farm in Carmel, Animal-Assisted Therapy Centre. 

Resilience & Rebuilding Projects

Community Development

Community Development projects specifically build up public spaces such as parks and playgrounds, family and community centers, security shelters, and provide services such as after-school care, recreational activities, business training for women, mental health support, and security.

Recent projects: Accessible Playground in Kiryat Malachi, Security Shelter for B’nei Netzarim, transformation of Airplane Park

Community Development Projects


Education is key to breaking cycles of poverty and is a critical long-term investment towards stronger communities. We fundraise for educational projects such as expanding schools to accommodate increasing demand; after-school programs for tutoring and support, and education through museums and exhibits. 

Recent projects: The Space Mobile, Beit Haedut Holocaust Education Museum, The JNF Canada Bervin House

Education Projects


Our environmental work includes forestry efforts like planting or rehabilitating forests, responding to wildfires, as well as outdoor education like nature camps for students. We’ve also laid 1000s of kms of cycling trailers and other recreational infrastructure to promote getting outdoors. 

Recent projects: Restoring the Jerusalem Hills after wildfire, Hula Valley Bird Migration Centre, Lavi Field & Forest Camp

Environment Projects


Access to healthcare is integral to health community and is especially challenging for periphery communities far from major cities. We fund life-saving healthcare facilities that provide services like heart surgery for children, trauma & PTSD therapy, cancer treatment, and drug and addiction recovery.

Recent projects: Glassman Centre for PTSD, The Resilience Center, therapy gardens at Beit Shulamit Cancer Centre and Hosen Centre for Drug Recovery 

Healthcare Projects

Senior Support

Aging populations are sadly under-funded and under-supported. We are proud to provide support to help Israel’s elderly live their golden years with dignity and care. This includes expanding facilities at senior care centres, Holocaust survivor support, and volunteer buddy programs and in-home care.

Recent projects: Resident rooms and Sensory Garden at Israeli Alzheimer’s Medical Center, and upgrades & renovations for Holocaust survivors at Amcha’s Rehovot Centre.  

Senior Support Projects

Special Needs

In recent years, we have seen a growing need to support specialized care for people with cognitive special needs. We have supported residential homes, specialized therapy rooms, and educational facilities all tailored to providing trained and customized care for people with special needs. 

Recent projects: Home for Life in Be’er Sheva, practice kitchen at Dekalim High School Practice Kitchen, Ohel Asher Dental Clinic for patients with special needs.

Special Needs Projects

Sports, Arts and Music

Through sports, arts and music, the projects we support are helping children and adults discover their talents and reach their potential. In many cases, these activities are paired with therapy, education, or community development to create culturally vibrant and diverse communities. 

Recent projects: Ensemble studios at the Clore Centre for Performing Arts, accessible dance and theatre spaces at Vertigo Art Village, sports facilities for Israel Tennis Education Centres.

Sports, Arts and Music Projects


Many of our projects ultimately serve youth at risk, who come from underserved communities, whose parents may struggle with meeting their own needs, and who have a higher chance of ending up in dangerous or criminal activities. By providing these youth with attention, extra support, inspiring mentors and facilities to socialize, we can disrupt recurring cycles of poverty and help these kids achieve their fullest potential. 

Recent projects: renovations at the Fidel Youth Centre, renovations for the Warm Haven for Orthodox Girls, Jaffa Daled After-School Enrichment Centre 

Youth-At-Risk Projects