Vision & Mission
Building Israel Together

For decades the Jewish National Fund of Canada has cared for the Land of Israel. This mission took the role of planting trees, building water reservoirs, preserving natural habitats, as well as building parks and bicycle trails. This work continues to this day.
More recently, JNF Canada has taken on projects to build the social infrastructure of the land of Israel for the benefit of the People of Israel. We collaborate with a variety of important institutions and organizations in Israel to build social service infrastructure to benefit vulnerable populations such as youth-at-risk, victims of domestic abuse, children with special needs, veterans and the disadvantaged.

As the needs of Israel changes, so do we. Over the past few years, we have broadened our network of Israeli charities with whom we collaborate. Together, we help identify where our support is needed most, currently focusing our efforts on the greatest needs in social and environmental infrastructure. When you donate to JNF Canada, you can choose to direct your support towards our varied programs and projects that transform the lives of Israel’s citizens in every corner of the country.

We also work with Canadian communities from coast to coast to bring Israel closer to home. We host events in your local area, educate children in their classrooms, host speakers on topics that matter to Canadian Jews, and bring Canadians to Israel on missions.