JNF Calgary 2023 Negev Gala
The Magic, Mystery and Chaos of Israel
JNF Calgary 2023 Negev Gala
The Magic, Mystery and Chaos of Israel

This year’s Negev Gala is raising funds for the Or Yehuda Family Care Centre. Or Yehuda, like many small cities in Israel, has a large population of immigrants who face the difficult task of starting a new life, learning a new language & customs, finding good work, and settling their children. A large group of volunteers runs two types of community programs:
1. A club for at-risk youth who are referred by municipal welfare to get after-school support.
2. The ‘Chesed Yavneh’ project, which provides professional assistance for families who need emotional support, financial management, education and training.
All of these services are provided in a spacious building donated by the municipality that needs full renovation to make it not only suitable but comfortable, dignified and inspiring for the families who come through its doors seeking support.
We chose our project as a reflection of the evening’s program – the story of Israel and over a century of immigration to the Jewish Homeland - through the funny and quirky perspective of our host, comedian and author Joel Chasnoff. Joel will share his take on being an immigrant to Israel, with all the ups, downs, and twists that come with that. This 1 hour multimedia experience will be enhanced by the music of Israeli Artists Project.
The show will be followed by an elegant dessert reception.

Joel Chasnoff is not your grandfather’s Jewish comedian!
A Chicago native and former Lone Soldier in the IDF, Joel has performed his unique brand of clean, Israel-positive comedy for more than 1,500 Jewish communities in ten countries.
He is the author of four books, including Israel 201 (see www.Israel201.com) the newly released book by Joel and his co-author Benji Lovitt that pulls back the curtain to unveil a more complete and comprehensive portrait of Israel that extends beyond the typical Israel narrative.
In the words of former prime minister Ehud Barak, whose effusive blurb appears on the back cover: “This wonderful book will show you the Israel you didn’t know you didn’t know.”
Joel currently lives in Ra’anana, Israel, with his Israeli wife and their four kids. See more at www.joelchasnoff.com

Israeli Artists Project is a non-profit organization that promotes and presents Israeli theater, music and art, creating a home and stage for talented New York City-based Israeli artists. They connect Israeli and North American Jewish communities through Israeli culture.
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