Stand With Us Against Targeted Bias

Stand With Us Against Targeted Bias

Stand With Us Against Targeted Bias

Dear JNF Canada Supporters,

This past Saturday, over Shabbat, the Jewish National Fund (JNF) Canada was blindsided when it learned (via a posting in the Canada Gazette) that its charitable status has been revoked despite court proceedings currently underway. This was done in a manner contrary to the CRA’s standard practice. The norm is that the CRA would hold the revocation until the legal proceedings conclude and a decision is delivered from the court.

This draconian and unjust action is consistent with the CRA’s attitude towards JNF since it informed us that it was intending to revoke our charitable status. We have strived to reach an agreement with the CRA on a constructive path forward, while our overtures to have a dialogue in order to negotiate were consistently rebuffed. Two weeks ago, we appealed the decision and started legal proceedings. See our full statement and FAQs for more information. 

We will not be silent in the face of this attack on us as a charity.

In the coming days we will be advising the court of the severe damage the CRA is causing us and asking for an application for judicial review until our case is heard on its merits.

While for the time being we are unable to issue charitable receipts, please rest assured that we remain steadfast in our commitment to building Israel’s charitable environmental and social service infrastructure for the benefit of all Israelis. 

We need your help now more than ever. 

Please join us in calling on the Federal Minister of National Revenue responsible for CRA, Marie-Claude Bibeau, and other Members of Parliament, from all parties, to intervene on behalf of JNF Canada. We are requesting the government withdraw its revocation and allow JNF to pursue our legal right to appeal in court. Send a message to Ottawa by clicking below. 

ADD YOUR VOICE! Join us in speaking up by contacting your government representatives through our campaign here. 

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