PROJECTS | Community Development

Sheltered Classroom in Re'im

Re'im on Oct 7th 

Re'im is a small kibbutz located very close to the border with Gaza. On the day of the horrific Hamas attack, Re'im was a war zone with a civilian security team of six fighting off 100 terrorists.The pre-military housing was utterly destroyed. It was near Re'im that the music festival took place - what was supposed to be a beautiful event turned into the largest terror attack in Israel's history, and the worst Israeli civilian massacre ever. Our hearts will never be the same.

Your Donation will Fund 

When Re'im residents are ready to move back into their homes, they will experience increased fear, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Despite this, schools must re-open to resume education and provide a supportive environment for students to recover and continue learning. With your support, the region can build a sheltered educational room - a games-filled room where children can play and socialize, receive crucial support, and which will allow them to remain active and engaged during a potential rocket attack. This also provides parents with time to 'pick up the pieces' literally and figuratively as residents of Re'im begin the heartbreaking work of rebuilding their lives. 

The photos above are from a similar classroom built by JNF Canada in another community in the region.

Areas of Impact
Resilience & Rebuilding Community Development Education Environment Healthcare Senior Support Special Needs Youth-At-Risk