PROJECTS | Community Development

Protected Classroom in Ashkelon

Who You Will Help 

In Ashkelon, there are 170,000 residents who are under constant threat of being hit by Hamas missiles and rockets. During the first fourteen days of the current war which began on Simcha Torah, more than 1,500 missiles were aimed at Ashkelon. Over 200 landed within the city where 40,000 residents are without access to protective shelters. One of the most active community centers was directly hit by a Hamas sent missile, damaging several of the classrooms. We hope to build immediately two protected classrooms which will be available for communal activities once we are back to routine. These classrooms will be erected on the grounds of existing community centers, both in underserved neighborhoods.

Your Donation Will Fund 

One classroom will be built on the grounds of the Burton Center in the Shimshon neighborhood - which includes many houses and buildings without access to proper protective rooms or shelters. The second classroom will be established in a new neighborhood which currently does not have a protected community center. Both communities are inclusive of residents from all socio-economic backgrounds and of all ages. Both classrooms will provide safe, secure educational spaces during times of crisis when the regional schools are closed. In non-emergency times, both classrooms will be used by the community centre to run activities for the general public. The construction will begin immediately following the conclusion the current military actions. These shelters will be built quickly, as the planning and permit process is already underway. 

Ashkelon is one of the biggest cities, located 13 km north of the border with Gaza.

Areas of Impact
Resilience & Rebuilding Community Development Education Environment Healthcare Senior Support Special Needs Youth-At-Risk