CRA's status revocation of JNF Canada


CRA's actions against JNF Canada

This past August 10th, 2024, over Shabbat, JNF Canada learned that its charitable status had been revoked despite court proceedings currently underway.

See our most recent statements and articles related to our status revocation below and inform your self on this latest action against JNF.

How can you help fight these actions againast JNF Canada?

Our members and supporters have been the key building blocks and foundation of JNF Canada for decades. Your voices and support have been the driving force behind this organization which has ensured your values and interests have funded projects in Israel and here at home.

Now, more than ever, we need your help! Here is how you can!

  • Engage on social

    Share this page and follow our social media platforms. Make your voice heard!

  • Family Is Key

    Engage family members and raise awarness of these actions against JNF.

  • Monthly Donations

    Continue your ongoing support for JNF Canada so that we can keep our work in Israel moving forward.

  • Contact Your MPs

    Speak with local MP's, ministers and government officals to ensure their voters interests are heard!


Show your support by following us on our social media platforms... make your voice heard!
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