Legal Submission to the CRA (Oct 2023)

Legal Submission to the CRA (Oct 2023)

Legal Submission to the CRA (Oct 2023)

After years of unsuccessful communication, in October 2023, the JNF legal team submitted a formal response to the CRA's claims. This submission outlined JNF's position on several matters, as well as documented examples of reasonable apprehension of bias and unjust process. 

#2 is an in-depth summary of the arguments prepared by Gowling WPG; #3 are exhibits supporting the arguments; #4 is an additional submission by co-counsel KPMG providing a summarized letter of support to Gowling's legal conclusions. 

Links to the PDF files: 

1. LTR Transmittal Letter 
2. LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26, 2023 
3.1.1 Exhibits to LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26, 2023 
3.1.2 Exhibits to LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26, 2023 
3.2 Exhibits to LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26. 2023 
3.3 Exhibits to LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26, 2023 
3.4 Exhibits to LTR JNF Response to CRA Letter Dated July 26, 2023 
4. KPMG Submission dated October 23 2023 

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